Sunday, September 5, 2010

Election Headline Options

Headline: Election Report
Date Line November 3 2010
Option 1
Despite all the efforts of Tea Party group and Talk Radio, the Democrats still hold majorities in the House and Senate. The people were still supporting the Democrat Parties policies of National Health-care and stabilizing the economy. This is seen as a clear mandate for continued action on a comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions reduction plan and amnesty. Senate majority leader Harry Reid, fresh off his victory in Nevada, announced plans to introduce a union reform bill and gun control measures as soon as Congress returns to Washington.

Option 2
The Tea Party and Talk Radio crowd fell disappointingly short of their goal of taking back the Senate last night. While they did manage to take over the House, it was by a slim amount, hardly the mandate they were hoping for. I don’t expect the Republican Party to try to stand in the way of President Obama’s policy agenda. With such a poor showing, they really should just allow Speaker Pelosi to remain in her post, in an effort to work with the Democrats.
Option 3
In a stunning victory in yesterday’s elections, the Republican Party managed to overthrow the leadership of both the House and Senate. With a 65 seat swing in the house it is clear the people have spoken. The Republicans somehow managed to pickup 15 seats in the Senate and sent Majority Leader Harry Reid to the unemployment line.
In other news, Dan Rather is resting comfortably after suffering a heart attack while watching the early returns.

Which option are you hoping for?
Which option are you working for?